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About Everlight Radiology

Since 2006, Everlight Radiology has provided 24/7 reporting expertise and leadership across the globe. With over 600 radiologists, the firm serves hospitals and clinics with specialty, urgent after hours, routine reading, and reporting services. Everlight deploys the most advanced technology and ensures coverage of all time zones with offices and consultants in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, America, and Europe.

The Problem

Due to significant business growth, Everlight needed to ensure that increased study volumes across its network would not create bottlenecks and inefficiency. Without an intelligent DICOM workflow engine, high study volumes had the potential to be unbalanced across mod servers, overwhelming some while leaving others idle and underutilized. To complicate a potential solution, the Everlight architecture consisted of both on-prem and cloud infrastructure to support their global operations.

As Everlight began to scope current and future requirements, the team quickly realized there was no existing solution in the market to meet their immediate needs and scale with flexibility to the demands of a growing organization. Everlight needed a robust platform with an experienced partner to execute an aggressive strategy built on innovation, service, and reading expertise.

The Solution

To meet their objectives, Everlight needed two things: a dynamic platform and a premier partner.

The Selection

The first step involved identifying and selecting a partner with deep experience and cutting-edge technology.  After narrowing the potential vendor list, Everlight invited candidates to demonstrate their solutions and participate in a detailed Q&A session. While entering this process as a distant number three in vendor ranking, DataFirst quickly emerged as the clear leader. After interactive discussions involving architecture, connectivity, integration, and development, the team identified DataFirst as the only partner who could immediately deploy a customized solution, provide an extensible platform for future growth, and deliver 24/7 support to this growing enterprise.

“Your team was so responsive and attentive to details. Vendors always talk about this, but never deliver. This is a true partnership!”

Linda Gracie – Everlight Project Manager

The Deployment

In less than five weeks, DataFirst created key features and deployed them for test and evaluation in the Everlight network. Specifically, the DataFirst team deployed the Silverback® solution to;

  • Create and track new SOP, study, series, and instance level UID’s for inbound DICOM so images could later be added and sent directly to the same node.
  • Load balance to study and series level identification.
  • Deploy HA for sufficient fault/outage tolerance across the entire network.
  • Accept and route studies with AE or IP mismatch.
  • Export DICOM objects to S3 in a configurable manner.
  • For Target Failures: ID and minimize the risk of data loss due to;
    • Data slowness
    • Data loss

The DataFirst team leveraged the unique ‘plug-in’ architecture of the Silverback® platform to create and deploy several unique workflows. This flexibility and speed ensured Everlight could quickly deploy API calls with their RESTful services and route to Silverback® for notifications and alerts throughout the network.

Looking Forward

The Silverback® platform is designed to strategically meet the future needs of any organization. As Everlight expands through an aggressive strategy of innovation and service, the platform will provide the foundation to scale and adapt to support new workflows. Designed for intelligence, the Silverback® platform is the solution to support any imaging enterprise today and tomorrow.

Beau Jones

Beau is the President and CEO of DataFirst with more than 22 years of experience in management and leadership roles in the healthcare and information services industries. Learn more about Beau's experiences and qualifications on our Leadership page.